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Tantrakaran,Kamban,Mantra Sakti Remove Kaushani Amavasya Special Pooja By Puja Rai


Amavaya Pingal Mantra Ban Pooja By Puja Rai

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Amavasaya Bibaha Bandhan Gat Bandhan, Tantrakaran, 7 Chakra Root Chakra Blockage & Mantra remove




Amavasaya (New Moon)

  • Significance: Traditionally considered a time for new beginnings and releasing the old. It’s often a good time for spiritual practices, rituals, and intentions.

Bibaha Bandhan (Marriage Bonds)

  • Releasing Blockages: If you’re looking to strengthen or release bonds in relationships, consider rituals that honor both the connection and individual growth.

Gat Bandhan (Energetic Bindings)

  • Understanding: These can refer to ties that might limit personal freedom or growth. Meditative practices can help in recognizing and releasing these bindings.

Tantrakaran (Energy Work)

  • Approach: This can involve using mantras, meditation, and visualization techniques to realign and balance your energy.

7 Chakras & Root Chakra Blockage

  • Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, it’s essential for grounding and stability. Blockages may lead to feelings of insecurity or disconnection.

Mantras for Healing

  • Root Chakra Mantra: “Lam” is the seed mantra associated with the Root Chakra. Chanting it

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